Source code for lerot.comparison.HistProbabilisticInterleave

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# KH, 2012/08/15

import argparse
import logging

from numpy import asarray, where

from .AbstractHistInterleavedComparison import AbstractHistInterleavedComparison
from .ProbabilisticInterleave import ProbabilisticInterleave
from ..utils import split_arg_str

[docs]class HistProbabilisticInterleave(AbstractHistInterleavedComparison): """Probabilistic interleaving using historical data""" def __init__(self, arg_str=None): self.pi = ProbabilisticInterleave(arg_str) self.biased = False self.marginalize = True if arg_str: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse arguments for " "interleaving method.", prog=self.__class__.__name__) parser.add_argument("-b", "--biased") parser.add_argument("-m", "--marginalize") args = vars(parser.parse_known_args(split_arg_str(arg_str))[0]) if args["biased"] == "False" or args["biased"] is None \ or args["biased"] == 0: self.biased = False else: self.biased = True if args["marginalize"] == "False" or args["marginalize"] == 0: self.marginalize = False else: self.marginalize = True
[docs] def infer_outcome(self, l, source_context, c, target_r1, target_r2, query): # for prob interleave, a = (a, r1, r2) (a, r1, r2) = source_context if self.marginalize: return self._infer_outcome_with_marginalization(l, a, c, r1, r2, target_r1, target_r2, query, self.biased) else: return self._infer_outcome_no_marginalization(l, a, c, r1, r2, target_r1, target_r2, query, self.biased)
def _infer_outcome_with_marginalization(self, l, a, c, r1, r2, target_r1, target_r2, query, biased): # get outcome using the target rankers target_context = (None, target_r1, target_r2) if r1 == r2: raise ValueError("r1 and r2 cannot point to the same object.") outcome = self.pi.infer_outcome(l, target_context, c, query) if outcome == 0: return 0 if biased: return outcome # if biased is False, compensate for bias using importance sampling target_p_list = self.pi.get_probability_of_list(l, target_context, query) orig_context = (None, r1, r2) orig_p_list = self.pi.get_probability_of_list(l, orig_context, query) if target_p_list == 0 or orig_p_list == 0: logging.warn("Encountered zero probabilities: p(l_target) = %.2f, " "p(l_orig) = %.2f" % (target_p_list, orig_p_list)) return 0 return outcome * target_p_list / orig_p_list def _infer_outcome_no_marginalization(self, l, a, c, r1, r2, target_r1, target_r2, query, biased): # are there any clicks? (otherwise it's a tie) click_ids = where(asarray(c) == 1) if not len(click_ids[0]): # no clicks, will be a tie return 0 # for the observed list and assignment, get the outcome (like TD) c1 = sum([1. if val_a == 0 and val_c == 1 else .0 for val_a, val_c in zip(a, c)]) c2 = sum([1. if val_a == 1 and val_c == 1 else .0 for val_a, val_c in zip(a, c)]) outcome = -1. if c1 > c2 else 1 if c2 > c1 else .0 if biased: return outcome # if biased is False, compensate for bias using importance sampling # get the probability of observing this list and assignment under # target and source distribution target_p = self._get_probability_of_list_and_assignment(l, a, target_r1, target_r2, query) if target_p == 0: return .0 orig_p = self._get_probability_of_list_and_assignment(l, a, r1, r2, query) if orig_p == 0: return .0 r2.init_ranking(query) return outcome * target_p / orig_p def _get_probability_of_list_and_assignment(self, l, a, r1, r2, query): # P(l) = \prod_{doc in result_list} 1/2 P_1(doc) + 1/2 P_2(doc) p_l_a = 1.0 r1.init_ranking(query) r2.init_ranking(query) for i, doc in enumerate(l): if a[i] == -1: p_d = r1.get_document_probability(doc) elif a[i] == 0: p_d = r1.get_document_probability(doc) elif a[i] == 1: p_d = r2.get_document_probability(doc) else: logging.warn("Illegal assignment: ", a) return .0 p_l_a *= 0.5 * p_d r1.rm_document(doc) r2.rm_document(doc) return p_l_a