Source code for lerot.experiment.LearningExperiment

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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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# KH, 2012/06/14
Runs an online learning experiment. The "environment" logic is located here,
e.g., sampling queries, observing user clicks, external evaluation of result

import sys
import logging
import warnings
from numpy.linalg import norm

from ..utils import get_cosine_similarity
from AbstractLearningExperiment import AbstractLearningExperiment

[docs]class LearningExperiment(AbstractLearningExperiment): """ Represents an experiment in which a retrieval system learns from implicit user feedback. The experiment is initialized as specified in the provided arguments, or config file. """
[docs] def run(self): """ A single run of the experiment. """ query_keys = sorted(self.training_queries.keys()) query_length = len(query_keys) online_evaluation = {} offline_test_evaluation = {} # offline_train_evaluation = {} for eval_name, eval_dict in self.evaluations: dict_name = eval_name + '@' + str(eval_dict['cutoff']) # Stop if there are duplicate evaluations if dict_name in online_evaluation: warnings.warn("Duplicate evaluation arguments, omitting..") continue online_evaluation[dict_name] = [] offline_test_evaluation[dict_name] = [] # offline_train_evaluation[dict_name] = [] similarities = [.0] # Process queries for query_count in xrange(self.num_queries): logging.debug("Query nr: {}".format(query_count)) previous_solution_w = self.system.get_solution().w qid = self._sample_qid(query_keys, query_count, query_length) query = self.training_queries[qid] # get result list for the current query from the system result_list = self.system.get_ranked_list(query) # Online evaluation for eval_name, eval_dict in self.evaluations: a = float(eval_dict['eval_class'].evaluate_ranking(result_list, query, eval_dict['cutoff'])) online_evaluation[eval_name + '@' + str(eval_dict['cutoff'])].append(a) # generate click feedback clicks =, query.get_labels()) # send feedback to system current_solution = self.system.update_solution(clicks) # compute current offline performance (over all documents) for eval_name, eval_dict in self.evaluations: # Create dict name as done above dict_name = eval_name + '@' + str(eval_dict['cutoff']) if (not (previous_solution_w == current_solution.w).all()) or \ len(offline_test_evaluation[dict_name]) == 0: e1 = eval_dict['eval_class'].evaluate_all( current_solution, self.test_queries, eval_dict['cutoff']) # e2 = eval_dict['eval_class'].evaluate_all( # current_solution, self.training_queries, # eval_dict['cutoff']) offline_test_evaluation[dict_name].append(float(e1)) # offline_train_evaluation[dict_name].append(float(e2)) else: offline_test_evaluation[dict_name].append( offline_test_evaluation[dict_name][-1]) # offline_train_evaluation[dict_name].append( # offline_train_evaluation[dict_name][-1]) similarities.append(float(get_cosine_similarity( previous_solution_w, current_solution.w))) # Print new line for the next run sys.stdout.write('\nDone') sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() # Finalize evaluation measures after training is done summary = {"weight_sim": similarities, "final_weights": previous_solution_w.tolist()} for eval_name, eval_dict in self.evaluations: dict_name = eval_name + '@' + str(eval_dict['cutoff'])"Final offline %s = %.3f" % (dict_name, offline_test_evaluation[dict_name][-1])) summary["online_" + dict_name] = online_evaluation[dict_name] summary["offline_test_" + dict_name] = \ offline_test_evaluation[dict_name] # summary["offline_train_" + dict_name] = \ # offline_train_evaluation[dict_name]"Length of final weight vector = %.3f" % norm(current_solution.w)) return summary