Source code for lerot.experiment.SyntheticComparisonExperiment

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# KH, 2013/04/02
Runs a comparison experiment on synthetic data

import argparse
import yaml

from numpy import mean
from random import randint, sample

from ..document import Document
from ..ranker import (SyntheticProbabilisticRankingFunction,
from ..utils import get_class

[docs]class SyntheticComparisonExperiment(): """Represents an experiment in which synthetic rankers are compared to investigate theoretical properties / guarantees. """ def __init__(self, log_fh, args): """Initialize an experiment using the provided arguments.""" self.log_fh = log_fh self.ties = args["ties"] if "ties" in args else "first" # additional configuration: number of relevant documents # (number or "random") self.length = args["result_length"] self.num_relevant = args["num_relevant"] self.num_queries = args["num_queries"] self.um_class = get_class(args["user_model"]) self.um_args = args["user_model_args"] = self.um_class(self.um_args) # initialize interleaved comparison methods according to configuration parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="parse arguments of an " "evaluation method.", prog="evaluation method configuration") parser.add_argument("-c", "--class_name") parser.add_argument("-r", "--ranker", help="can be 'det' or 'prob'") parser.add_argument("-a", "--ranker_args") parser.add_argument("-i", "--interleave_method") self.rankers = {} self.methods = {} # init live methods if "evaluation_methods" in args: for method_id, method in enumerate( args["evaluation_methods"]): self.methods[method] = {} method_args_str = \ args["evaluation_methods_args"][method_id] method_args = vars(parser.parse_known_args( method_args_str.split())[0]) class_name = method_args["class_name"] self.methods[method]["instance"] = \ get_class(class_name)(method_args_str) ranker = method_args["ranker"] ranker_args = method_args["ranker_args"] self.methods[method]["ranker"] = ranker self.methods[method]["ranker_args"] = ranker_args if not ranker in self.rankers: self.rankers[ranker] = {} if not ranker_args in self.rankers[ranker]: self.rankers[ranker][ranker_args] = {} # init rankers needed by the comparison methods. rankers can be # deterministic (det) or probabilistic (prob), and can have different # arguments for ranker in self.rankers: for ranker_args in self.rankers[ranker]: if ranker == "det": self.rankers[ranker][ranker_args] = \ (SyntheticDeterministicRankingFunction(ranker_args, # A self.ties), SyntheticDeterministicRankingFunction( # B ranker_args, self.ties)) elif ranker == "prob": self.rankers[ranker][ranker_args] = \ (SyntheticProbabilisticRankingFunction(ranker_args, # A self.ties), SyntheticProbabilisticRankingFunction( # B ranker_args, self.ties)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown ranker: " + ranker) # generate synthetic better and worse rankers (self.docids, self.labels) = self._generate_synthetic_documents( self.length, self.num_relevant) (self.better, self.worse) = self._generate_synthetic_rankings_randomly( self.docids, self.labels) print self.labels print self.better print self.worse
[docs] def run(self): """Run the experiment for num_queries queries.""" # initialize counts and outcome arrays outcomes = {} click_counts = {} for method_id in self.methods: outcomes[method_id] = [] click_counts[method_id] = [] # compare better and worse ranker on num_queries impressions for _ in range(self.num_queries): for method_id, method in self.methods.items(): (better_ranker, worse_ranker) = self.rankers[method["ranker"]][ method["ranker_args"]] better_ranker.init_ranking(list(self.better)) worse_ranker.init_ranking(list(self.worse)) # interleave known worse and better rankers (outcomes should # converge to 1) (l, a) = method["instance"].interleave(worse_ranker, better_ranker, None, self.length) clicks =, self.labels) # init ranking again for comparisons better_ranker.init_ranking(list(self.better)) worse_ranker.init_ranking(list(self.worse)) o = method["instance"].infer_outcome(l, a, clicks, None) # record outcomes and number of clicks outcomes[method_id].append(float(o)) click_counts[method_id].append(clicks.tolist().count(1)) # record ranker pairs, comparison outcomes yaml.dump({ "outcomes": outcomes, "click_counts": click_counts }, self.log_fh, default_flow_style=False) # diagnose errors for method_id, method in self.methods.items(): o = mean(outcomes[method_id]) if o <= 0: print "\nUnexpected outcome:", o print method
@staticmethod def _generate_synthetic_documents(length, num_relevant): """Generate a synthetic document list of <length> with <num_relevant> relevant documents.""" if num_relevant == "random": num_relevant = randint(1, length / 2) elif "-" in num_relevant: min_rel, max_rel = num_relevant.split("-") num_relevant = randint(int(min_rel), int(max_rel)) else: num_relevant = int(num_relevant) assert(length > 0) assert(num_relevant > 0) assert(num_relevant < length) docids = [Document(x) for x in range(length)] labels = [0] * length nonrel = set(docids) rel = set() while (len(docids) - len(nonrel)) < num_relevant: next_rel = sample(nonrel, 1)[0] labels[next_rel.get_id()] = 1 nonrel.remove(next_rel) rel.add(next_rel) return (docids, labels) @staticmethod def _random_permutation(iterable, r=None): """Random selection from itertools.permutations(iterable, r). From:""" pool = tuple(iterable) r = len(pool) if r is None else r return tuple(sample(pool, r)) @staticmethod def _pareto_dominates(a, b, labels): rel_a = [index for index, item in enumerate(a) if labels[item] == 1] rel_b = [index for index, item in enumerate(b) if labels[item] == 1] # if a has fewer relevant documents it cannot dominate b if len(rel_a) < len(rel_b): return False distance = 0 for index_a, index_b in zip(rel_a, rel_b): if index_a > index_b: return False elif index_a < index_b: distance += index_b - index_a # if b has fewer relevant documents and none of its elements # violate pareto dominance if len(rel_a) > len(rel_b) and index_b == rel_b[-1]: return True if distance > 0: return True return False @staticmethod def _generate_synthetic_rankings_randomly(docids, labels): """Generate synthetic documents rankings that implement pareto dominance. there needs to be at least one non-relevant document, otherwise no better / worse ranking pair can be constructed. Returns (better_ranking, worse_ranking).""" assert(len(docids) > 0) assert(len(docids) == len(labels)) assert(0 in labels) assert(1 in labels) for _ in range(1000): a = SyntheticComparisonExperiment._random_permutation(docids) b = SyntheticComparisonExperiment._random_permutation(docids) if SyntheticComparisonExperiment._pareto_dominates(a, b, labels): return (list(a), list(b)) elif SyntheticComparisonExperiment._pareto_dominates(b, a, labels): return (list(b), list(a)) raise(ValueError, "Could not find pareto dominated ranker for labels " "%s after 1000 trials." % ", ".join([str(x) for x in labels]))